
RUH Children’s Garden Tidy Up

Fantastic work cleaning up the children’s garden at the RUH Bath
Massive thank you to Rob Willis Hayley and Ben Green, Poly, June ,Michelle Richards ,Nicky Halford ,Tom, Callum ,Chester.
Your support and help was amazing 🤩 and could not do without you .
What a difference it looked after 👍👍
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Ben’s Birthday Walk

appy 19th Birthday to our much loved Ben.
Thank you to everyone who completed Pen Y Fan on Saturday for his birthday walk.
What a great day we all had.
Special thanks to Matthew Chapman for playing a huge part in helping to organise the event, couldn’t have done it without you, hugely appreciate it, and to Amanda Proctor & Shelly’s Cakes and Bakes for baking and selling cakes.
If you have £1 to spare please consider donating it to Ben for his birthday.
Ben's Birthday Walk 2024 small


A HUGE thank you to the following for raising vital funds to help make a difference to our children in hospital.
This will take a long time to raise, but in the meantime, have some other projects, which will make a BIG impact. (To be announced soon)
* Maxem Eyewear for raising £266.97 at Dan’s ice creams family fun day, and a further £125 from an amazing raffle.
* Amy Young who ran the Manchester Marathon raised £540
*Tracey Allen for organizing a Childrens Sell raising £180
* Jack Blacker – who ran 4 miles, every 4 hours for 48 hours! Raised £530
* Dean Evans for completing a mammoth run
* Chris & Jennie Russell for choosing us in memory of their beloved Auntie Violet – our thoughts are with all the family.
* Geoff Andrews who did a walk with 40 people over the Easter and raised £230.
You have all helped changed the life’s of children in hospital. We can not do this without your amazing support.

Santa Dash

Thank you to everyone at the Saltford Santa Dash for the amazing donation from their event in December!
Today we was handed over a cheque over £10,000 which was shared between us and Off The Record.

Thank you CURO

A HUGE thank you to Curo  for choosing us to be their charity of the year for 2 years during the pandemic.
Such a wonderful group of people, that we wish we got to spend more time with, but got restricted due to the pandemic. They have raised an incredible £11, 852.
This has gone towards purchasing equipment for “Ben’s Gift” a Giant Interactive Screen in RUH Bath the remainder will go towards a new project to hopefully be released/ finalised soon

Mendip staff raise £1.4k


Mendip District Council staff have raised a total of £1,459 for their Staff Charity of the Year, Time is Precious.

Every year, Council staff nominate a new cause to support for 12 months..

Throughout 2020, staff raised funds for Time is Precious, but with numerous lockdowns, it was challenging to undertake fundraising activities, with many staff working from home. As such, staff voted to continue raising money for the charity throughout 2021.

Funds have since been raised through sponsored activities and online fundraisers such as raffles, competitions and donating to the charity instead of buying Christmas cards for colleagues.

Stuart Brown, Chief Executive of Mendip District Council, said: “I am blown away by the dedication of Mendip staff to their Charity of the Year, Time is Precious.

Super Sensory


£45,000 on Interactive Equipment


Recently as already seen on the Bristol Children’s site, we have donated over £45,000 worth of interactive equipment to our hospitals.
We donated 11 projectors and a giant interactive mobile screen for the wards at Bristol Children’s Hospital and another giant sense projector for the RUH Outpatients department.

A member of the play team said:

“The interactive screen has provided patients & families the opportunity to explore different sights, sounds & movements & acts as a great sensory tool. It’s very practical, is wheelchair accessible and can cater for different needs & mobilities. We really like it in the Activity Centre and it has provided a fun, calming and engaging environment.”

The interactive floor projectors we have already purchased in the past have been a huge success in the wards and treatment areas. It has enabled consultants to observe and evaluate patients, it is great for distraction and great for additional physiotherapy. When your sick child is distracted it also relieves the stress for parents/ carers. This is what Time Is Precious is all about. The feedback has been nothing but positive from all staff.”

We would like to say a massive thank you to Ellie & Jenny Payne as well as Amcor Flexibles who helped fund some of these amazing items

Bath Half 2020


Well what a rollercoaster!! Team TIP rocked, Thank you to everyone who took part in the Half Marathon in Bath or somewhere else.
Truly amazing people. We like to thank all our Trustees, volunteers, coaches, therapists and sponsors for making everything possible in difficult circumstances.
Massive thank you to everyone who has sponsored or supported our runners.

Dickies Christmas fundraising


Thank you to Williamson Dickies Europe Ltd, from Midsomer Norton, who in December put on an event, ‘12 Days of Christmas’ within the business, which included a new event and theme each day, including a raffle supported by local businesses in the area with hampers, beauty vouchers and flowers. Through this, they managed to raise £630, which was doubled when the Company Directors agreed to match the amount to make it a amazing £1260.

Donation from Amcor


A massive thank you to Amcor Flexibles for
the $5,000 donation. It was won by the company’s ‘High Performance Laminates Team’ (part of Amcor Flexibles EMEA) for the 2019 CEO Outperformance Awards. They won a ‘Customer Focus’ award for their work in Amcor and as part of the win, received $5000 to donate to a charity of their choice. Seven charities (UK, Europe and Worldwide based) were put forward to a vote across all HPL colleagues and Time is Precious came out on top as the overall winner.
The donation has gone towards are new Sense projectors.

Thank you Somer AC


We were honoured to be invited to the Somer AC amazing annual event The Jack & Jill 10k.
We were presented with a cheque of a fantastic £500 after being chosen their charity of the year 2018/19.

West Woman 2019


Congratulations to our founder and trustee Nicky on winning West Woman of 2019


Simply the Best


140 runners took part in this years Bath Half Marathon for Time is Precious. Well done to everyone who took part and volunteered to make Team Tip so special to be part of. This year we was super proud to have 3 children pushed around the course, Harmonie, Devon and Ellie who have all used TIP equipment. Its been another amazing year and we like to thank all of you who for making it so special.

Anaesthetic Rooms


Two Anaesthetic Rooms on Day Surgery in RUH, were transformed in our latest project!
These rooms are used by children & adults & sure you will agree they make the room look less clinical & more child friendly.

Thank you to CDB painting and decorating and Smiles Decorating for your amazing work.
We could not do these projects without the fabulous support from you all.

Stonebridge Estate Agents


A massive thank you to Stonebridge estate agents from Shepton Mallet for raising £850 at the Collett Festival.

The company held a raffle and was joined by Memorable Moments Face Painting doing a fantastic job with the face painting. 

Yeovil Half Marathon


A big thank you to everyone who ran for Team TIP at Yeovil Half Marathon. The run was in replacement of Bath Half after it was cancelled due to snow earlier in the month. It was just one of the

replacement runs happening in the coming weeks. We will post more pictures soon and details of Team TIP 2019 coming soon.

Thank you for your support



We could not do this without the continued support of you all.

Thank you to the following who have raised vital funds for us in the last few months.

*Retro Spin Disco £210
*Taylor Green Beauty Raffle £267
*TJ Crook £250
*Laura Beale 40th birthday £150
*Pam Hares & family Christmas Bingo £300
*Gill Richards Craft Fayre £331
*Henleaze Christmas Festival £500
*Somerset Vintage Classic Tractor donation £250
*Frome Ukulele Concert £1,000
*Thatcher & Hallam donation £100
*Holcombe Welcome Club £120
*Midsomer Norton Methodist Concert £300
*Dickies £753:40
*Yeovil Police Ball £707 (going to Yeovil Hospital)
*Bath 31st Guides Senior Section Cake Sale £36
*Heather Rushton 70th £70
*Gamwell Family £500

Frome Ukulele Club


The Christmas Parsnip was a cracker!
Held by Frome Ukulele Club at the round house raised a amazing £1000
Thank you

Bath Half 2018


Although Bath Half Marathon was cancelled, there was a lot of support already given to our Team TIP.

We would like to say a big thank our 2018 sponsors Wayne & Laura Darby-Jones.

There were also many companies who gave us things.
*Sun Chemical donated 168 bottles of water, a large fun photo frame & the photo area back drop. *Asda-100 Bananas, *Sainsbury’s-voucher for sweets & Jaffa Cakes, Jones Food Solutions- Mars Bars, and everyone who kindly offered to bake cakes, quiches & donate other items (many of you would of already made/ bought items).

Also, thank you to Jim Barron, John Reynolds, Paul Cosh & Gosia Krec, who helped to coach some of our fabulous runners.

Most importantly, a big thank you to our runners who trained so hard for a year and all the people that have sponsored and not asked for a refund. We are extremely grateful for your generosity, I can assure you, the money you raised will help so many ill (some terminal) children & families whilst in hospital.

Bayswater Experience Winner


Congratulations to Penny Seviour from Radstock for winning the Bayswater Experience.
A big thank you to Mulberry for donating this amazing prize.
We sold over 250 tickets and made over £1225.

To watch draw please click here

New Waiting Room at RUH


The new completed Waiting Area for day patients. Funded by TIP!!

Much nicer than having to share an area with sick children.

Time For Bricks


What a awesome day at the Time for Bricks lego event!

We raised an amazing £3782.86
Thank you to everyone who came along and for being patient as we got you all in. We had 1000 visitors.

A massive thank you to all our exhibitors with your amazing lego builds, and all our wonderful volunteers who helped with running the day.

We would also like to thank Frome Self Storage for sponsoring our event, with the support of Sun Chemical, Docmail, Bristol Business Forms, Coleford Legion and not forgetting the Centurion Hotel 

Thank you Frome under 13s Rugby Team


Members of Frome RFC Under 13 team ran the Frome 5km in July. They wanted to keep up their fitness, train for the new season, do something which was a challenge and do something for the community. As a team they wanted to raise money and they chose the local Charity Time is Precious. In total they have raised £1038.75 and presented a cheque to trustee of the charity, Louise Coate.

Sensory Voyager still making a difference


Our  Sensory units have still been making a massive difference! This young lad was born with a condition called Congenital Lobar Emphysema, he was in hospital for 3 weeks as they had to remove the majority of his left lung. If left the condition would of been fatal.

The equipment was brought to him daily as he had a chest drain he couldn’t leave his bed and even though he was only 6 months when he was in, his mum could tell he looked forward to it. Every time it was wheeled in towards his bed he would kick his legs in excitement.

Your support makes a difference.

Mulberry sample sale raises £13,500


The final total raised at the Mulberry sample sale was over £13,500. Thank you so much to Mulberry, for choosing TIP to be charity of the year, and a big thank you to all our volunteers who worked in London.

HDU Wall Art project


TIP has completed another amazing project in the Bristol Children’s Hospital.
We have provided Wall Art in six of the HDU Cubicles!

The rooms use to be very stark and clinical and have no windows or natural light,with huge medical equipment standing with nothing to distract from the clinical environment.

This Wall Art has made a massive difference bringing a calming, less clinical environment for the children and families during an often emotionally heightened stay in HDU.

With six different amazing scenic designs which was all chosen by staff and parents.

Thank you all for supporting our voluntarily ran local charity:
Making a difference together xxx

Centurion Fun Run 2017


What a fantastic event at the TIP Fun run organised by the Centurion Fitness Club.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the 5k and the children’s 1k.
A big thank you also to all our volunteers who helped at the event, as well as Spider-Man who ran with the children.
Also, making a special appearance on the run was local running legend “John Reynolds” and also making their debut today was our new mascot Mr Lion. Thanks again for everyone’s support.

If you wish to join our amazing Team TIP for Bath Half 2018, it’s not too late! Or if you have your own place & would like to join us, it’s still possible to get the amazing experience by joining us. You won’t regret it! Places are limited, as we want to ensure we look after our team/ runners, with a first class day!

Day Surgery Recovery Project


The latest project we have just completed is a children’s bay on Day Surgery Recovery ward at RUH Hospital. Bringing some colour for when young patients wake up! A big thank you to Chris Ball (CDB painter & Decorator) and Andy Isles (Smileys) for giving their services for free to fit the wall mural. Along with the wall mural we have supplied two boxes of toys for children to use before they return to the Children’s ward.Thank you to everyone who supports TIP! Together we can make a difference.

Lions Sponsored Swim


Thank you to Lions for their amazing £2000 donation from a sponsored swim.

Bath College continued support


Thank you to Bath College for their on going support for TIP.

Well done to childcare students who did a great job raising money for Time is Precious during RAG Week (Raising and Giving Week) #BathCollege #Fundraising


U3A supports Time is Precious


Annual General Meetings are, by their very nature, sometimes quite boring. Not so at the Norton and Radstock U3A AGM, which was held recently at the Somer Centre.
The hall was packed with members and not an empty chair in sight. The meeting kicked off with Nicky Halford receiving a cheque for over £3,500 in respect of the local charity, Time is Precious.

The remainder of the meeting passed as AGMs do with a number of reports, election of officers and various administrative items. These were dealt with as quickly as possible, so that members were able to get onto the serious business of socialising and tea tasting.
Next year will see Norton and Radstock U3A’s twentieth anniversary, with plenty of celebratory events being planned. The U3A hold two meetings per month in the Somer Centre – a speaker meeting on the second Monday and a coffee morning on the fourth Monday. With a total of some 36 groups covering topics as varied as Art, Drama, Rambling, Psychology, Spanish, Local History and Table Tennis, to name but a few, there is something for everyone. If you would like to know more about U3A, please telephone: 01761 479606 for further details.

Thank you to the group for such an amazing donation!

Frome Poker Club


Massive thank you to Frome Poker Club who chose TIP for their charity of the year and raised an amazing £1300.



Just wanted to announce: Time Is Precious did not win anything at the Charity video awards with the 2015 Christmas Video.  However a huge thank you to everyone who voted to get us through  to the final! congratulations to St Johns Ambulance who won overall.




Special Seating Making a Difference!


Time is Precious have funded two specialist seats for Bristol Children’s Physio Department costing over £ 3500.

The specialist seating is hugely helpful for children who have had  brain injuries or are unwell following cancer/tumor removal. It can take time for them to build up the strength and muscle control to sit out of bed. It is also important for helping children to clear their chests.

Specialist seating has additional supports to help the child sit upright safely so that they can interact with family and play. A chair on wheels means  they can move out of the bed space and off the ward once they are a more medically well.

 Specialist Seating is very expensive but thanks to everyone who supports T.I.P, we can purchase these essential pieces of equipment and really make a difference.


Leela & Jess


Two 9 year old girls raise £120 by selling things they use. The girls done it off their own back with no help from a adult. Thank you girls

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